Home » Funeral Poems » Life Advice Grandad
Grandad Funeral Poem

Life Advice Grandad

By Funeral Inspirations

A poem about an unforgettable moment with Grandad at the pub who gave the valuable Life Advice

Life Advice Grandad Poem Lyrics

We went fishing once,
But not again,
Because you blamed me
for the rain.

We went drinking
at the pub one day,
You revealed the secrets
to life “your way”.

Put others first,
But be aware,
Some will use you
but try not to care.
Just do right,
And not do wrong,
Try to help folk
to get along.

And if that don’t work,
Here’s what you said,
Just lose the fools,
Don’t bang your head.

Wise words indeed,
But no surprise
As you were one
Of life’s good guys.

Poem TitleLife Advice Grandad
Poem Writer / AuthorFuneral Inspirations
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